Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why Not Try The 'What If' Theory Tonight?

These days we no longer try new things on blind faith. We tend to question things and scrutinize before we take any action at all. What if we were to use the simple query, ‘What if?’ to prompt us to approach our lives with a greater sense of passion? What if we listened to inner soul more? What if we decided to change directions mid-stream? What if we were able to see something from a different angle? What if we substituted different ingredients in proven recipes? And….what if it worked? What if we looked at ingredients and recipes as raw sketches to which we could add flavored color? What if we consciously began to approach each new meal we created as a chance to enhance our living experience? What if we made it a point to try one new thing, in any aspect of our lives, every day? What would happen then? What if you substituted your regular vinegar with Minus 8 Ice Wine Vinegar in all your dishes for 1 month? What if you were to fall in love with cooking all over again?

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