Thursday, May 10, 2012

Go Healthy w/Tomato-Feta Granita

We all know that surviving today's eco-organic trend means we have to put a new mental spin on eating all that's good for us. Because most of us have lived on a diet of dead foods and fast food for most of our lives. Truth be told, most of us don't consciously think about how food keeps us healthy until it's too late and we're sititng in the doctor's office being lectured about our high cholestoral levels.  But for those of the new wave (the Organic-Go-Green-Eco-Minded Souls of the planet), the idea of being healthy year round has actually begun to impact even traditional dishes. Here's a little offering that will put a nice twist to the traditional style recipes of old. Marinating tomatoes with feta and its brine is a wonderful elixir of combined flavors. The liquid is used as a dressing, which can be thickened with 0.15% xanthan gum and easily transitioned to a frozen preparation. To compliment the granita, just add some dissolving basil and a stalk of romaine lettuce. Then add a few drops of reduced Minus 8 Vinegar to complete this sweet and refreshing little dish. Quick, easy, light, happy and utterly a most healthy kind of way!

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